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Feel me tyga album cover

feel me tyga album cover

I am for Chris Brown because I see an injustice happening to Chris Brown, I’m not saying he was right about what happen, it’s the after effects that come along with the incident is where I saw the The haters. Rihanna don’t want no broke man so get it out of your head thinking you got a chance, me I like Chris Brown, but I already has some one I like very much. Rihanna team did what the was suppose to do for Rihanna, because she has to make money back and they put her up with a baseball player who also has money so she want feel bad when her pay check are not coming in, Matt Kemp is the fall guy for her. Chris Brown not talking is not just Chris Brown all this was discussed privately what he was to do and he acted accordingly. The truth will be told, you will have to wait.

feel me tyga album cover

Rihanna is paying, Def Jem is paying Rihanna has to do this tour sick or not, if she dies tomorrow Def Jem will put her dead body in a coffin and charge for tickets. Chris Brown is not paying because he is already serving time and it’s not going to hurt him weather some on come forward at this time, the damage is already done for Chris Brown. You see there where other people there more people involved than you think, everybody is getting paid. Chris Brown left the since long before the police came, A witness said Rihanna was still shouting obscenities toward Chris Brown, the witness said Chris Brown was just standing there at the time they arrived before the police came. We have yet to hear the 911 tapes on that incident, a police report was called, who called? The truth will be told but not now, you will hear the whole truth, you see there was some one with Rihanna even when the police took her picture. You want Chris Brown to talk about the incident he will in due time, you think he left Rihanna by her self, Chris Brown did not leave Rihanna by her self, there was another person there, he/she got paid. You can hate all you want, but you can’t stop progress.

feel me tyga album cover

It matters not what you say at this time and It matters not how many fans Rihanna has and how many Chris Brown don’t have. The Blogs will be “set afire” for some-time! …I’d LOVE The haters

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Richards had a Reality TV show, I’m NOT sure if it was renewed, but I can see it, NOW-getting, some serious consideration, should SHE be called by that Aspen Prosecutor! I saw an episode of that show, let me tell you, “that B**** is str8 Rabid!” If she’s-any-as …”entertaining” on that witness stand, as she was during that show, it’ll make for SERIOUS headlines. His wife, ‘Bond Girl,’ Denise Richards is “breaking face,” she and Charlie’s X-Girlfriends are ready and willing to “share-all.” Including that notorious incident, when HE shoved HER to the ground, WHILE she held their Infant Child in HER arms! X,Y,"and Z" - Kid - I saw that you mentioned Jay Z and HIS past …”indiscretions,” complete with Assault Conviction and drug dealing!ĭid you see the News yesterday? Michael Douglas’ son got 5-years for dealing dope: Meth and Coke! And for the “weight” he was movin’, that was a “slap on the wrist!” That dude HAD to have snitched-out a BUNCH of folk! I wonder if Charlie Sheen is NOW giving that “plea-deal,” the Aspen Prosecutor offered, any “second thoughts?” …But fear not! This Summer will prove an HIGHLY-EVENTFUL ONE: we'll be forced to revisit and engage in discourse between OURSELVES F*** THE MAINSTREAM!!!!!! I really DON’T know where to begin: the hypocrisy the lies the hysteria the double-talk the condescension the racism! <<- …'Enough "Isms-and-Schisms" to even offend YOUR finely-cultivated "Stiff-upper-Lipped-English-Sensibilities!"īut far-worse, than "bearing-witness to the madness," are our adoption and inculcation of that very-same "hypocritical mainstream standard," that robs "US" of OUR humanity! Sam, I actually did a little research: do you know that the ratings for 44 y/o Charlie Sheen’s show, even AFTER it was announced he was NOT returning for the last two episodes, didn’t budge NOT-ONE BIT? …It’s STILL one of THE highest rated shows on Television …Wow!!!ĭon’t you find it the slightest-bit hypocritical, that this 19 y/o was made Whipping-Boy and “sole reason” of/for Domestic Abuse/Marital Strife? So it’s unanimous: He’s Young, Gifted, and “NOW-certainly Black!” Unlike most, he can switch Genres of Music, as easily as, some, change musical-notes! You’re an Industry-Insider, if anyone knows the “inner-workings” of the Music Business/Industry, that’d be you. I was INITIALLY taken-aback by your characterization of his Mix-Tape as “trash”, but you were “redeemed” by recognizing his talent.

Feel me tyga album cover